


2013-2016. “作为社会过程的法律语篇——语篇语义学视角”,四海资讯红足文科科研创新计划项目;主持人:王振华;参与者:郭飞、田华静、王品、张庆彬。

2014-2017. “人称系统中词汇—语法互补性的系统功能类型学研究”,四海资讯红足新进教师启动计划项目;主持人:王品。


Wang, P. (in press for 2017). Complementarity Between Lexis and Grammar in the System of Person: A Systemic Typological Approach. London: Routledge.


Martin, J. R. (2013). Systemic Functional Grammar: A Next Step into the Theory – Axial Relations. (Translated by Wang Pin and Zhu Yongsheng.) Beijing: Higher Education Press.


Lai, L., A. Mahboob and P. Wang (in press for 2016). Proceedings of the 8th International Free Linguistics Conference. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


王品. (2010). 系统功能语言学的互补思想——M. A. K. Halliday新著Complementarities in Language述介. 《外国语》, 33(2), 20-25.

王品. (2011). 魔术师的“障耳法”——魔术表演者话语的人际功能分析. 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》(研究生专刊), 33-36.

刘迪, 王品. (2016). 从语篇的对话性看新闻标题的写作特点. 《东方学术论坛》(韩国), 2, 207–213.

王品, 王振华. (2016). 作为社会过程的法律语篇与概念意义研究——以《中华人民共和国婚姻法》为例. 《当代修辞学》, 4, 56–67.



Wang, P. (in press for 2017). The lexis-grammar complementarity and the system of Person: A Systemic typological perspective. In J. Webster and X. Peng (eds.) Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics: The State of the Art in China Today.  London: Bloomsbury.


Wang, P. (2010). Imperative mood realized by circumstantial adjuncts. In Fang Yan & Wu Canzhong (eds.) Challenges to Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice (Proceedings of the 36th International Systemic Functional Congress), 280-286.

Wang, P. (2012). A systemic functional interpretation of ergativity in Classical Tibetan. In Knox, J. (ed.) To Boldly Proceed: Papers from the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, 105-110.


Wang, P. (2009). “Imperative mood realized by Circumstantial Adjuncts”. Paper presented at the 36th International Systemic Functional Congress. Tsinghua University, 14-18 July.

王品. (2010). “从语篇的对话性看新闻标题的写作特点”. 第12届全国语篇分析研讨会. 同济大学, 11月12-14日.

王品. (2011). “人称范畴中词汇与语法的互补”. 第12届全国功能语言学研讨会. 解放军国际关系学院/南京师范大学, 11月10-12日.

王品. (2012). “梵语《心经》的玄奘汉译与孔泽英译对比——系统功能语言学视角”. 第13届全国语篇分析研讨会. 内蒙古大学, 6月15-17日.

Wang, P. (2012). “A systemic functional interpretation of ergativity in Classical Tibetan”. Paper presented at the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress. University of Technology, Sydney, 16-20 July.

Wang, P. (2013). “A systemic functional account of the mood system of Classical Tibetan”. Paper presented at the 40th International Systemic Functional Congress. Sun Yat-sen University, 15-19 July.

Wang, P. (2014). “On the Thematic Structure and Information Flow of Classical Tibetan”. Paper presented at the 8th Free Linguistics Conference. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 26-27 September.

Wang, P. (2015). “Comparative Study of Experiential Function Between Xuanzang's Chinese Translation and Conze's English Translation of the Heart Sutra: Based on the Original Sanskrit Text”. Paper presented at the 42nd International Systemic Functional Congress. RWTH Aachen, 27-31 July.

Wang, P. (2015). “Exploring the metafunctional profile of the grammar of Classical Tibetan”. Plenary speech at the International Conference on Functional Language Typology. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 12-16 December.

王品. (2016). “系统功能语言学中的‘词汇语法’”. 全国高校语言学高级研修班, 北京大学出版社/四海资讯红足, 5月7-8日。

Wang, P. (2016). "A systemic functional account of the MOOD system in Tibetan: based on axial reasoning". Paper presented in Colloquium Paradigmatic Reasoning in Functional Language Typology at the 43rd International Systemic Functional Congress. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 19-23 July.

Wang, P. (2016). "An analysis of lexicogrammar of a Chinese courtroom discourse". Paper presented in Colloquium Appliable Linguistics and Forensic Linguistics at the 43rd International Systemic Functional Congress. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 19-23 July.

王品. (2016). 满语动词词组的功能语法研究——以《满洲实录》故事为例. 第15届英汉语篇分析研讨会. 宁波大学, 10月29-30日.