J. R. 马丁教授简介
J. R. Martin is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. His research interests include systemic theory, functional grammar, discourse semantics, register, genre, multimodality and critical discourse analysis, focusing on English and Tagálog – with special reference to the transdisciplinary fields of educational linguistics, forensic linguistics and social semiotics. Recent publications include an introduction to the genre-based literacy pedagogy of the ‘Sydney School’ (Learning to Write, Reading to Learn, Equinox 2012), with David Rose; with Clare Painter and Len Unsworth, a book on children’s picture books (Reading Visual Narratives, Equinox 2013); a book on system network writing (Systemic Functional Grammar: a next step into the theory – axial relations, Higher Education Press, Beijing 2013); a collection of interviews with Wang Zhenhua (Interviews with J R Martin Foreign Language and Research Press, Beijing 2015); and a book on teaching academic discourse (Genre Pedagogy in Higher Education, Palgrave Macmillan 2016), with Shoshana Dreyfus, Sally Humphrey and Ahmar Mahboob;. Eight volumes of his collected papers (edited by Wang Zhenhua, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press) have recently been published in China (2010, 2012). Professor Martin was elected a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities in 1998, and was Head of its Linguistics Section from 2010-2012; he was awarded a Centenary Medal for his services to Linguistics and Philology in 2003. In April 2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University opened its Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics.
博士,终身教授,悉尼大学语言学系前任系主任,国际著名系统功能语言学家,系统功能语言学的主要继承人和发展者,"悉尼学派"领军人物,语言评价理论创始人,积极话语分析理论创始人,语类理论主要发展者。1998年当选为澳大利亚人文科学院院士,2003年因其对语言学及语文学的杰出贡献被澳大利亚联邦政府授予"世纪勋章"。 Martin教授的主要研究领域包括系统理论、功能语法、语篇语义学、语域、语类、多模态理论及批评话语分析,主要研究语种为英语和他加禄语。此外,Martin教授还从事教育语言学、司法语言学及社会语符学等交叉学科研究。出版著作30余部,发表论文200余篇。 Martin教授的近期著作主要包括:与Peter White合著的The Language of Evaluation(Palgrave 2005),与David Rose合著的Working with Discourse第二版(Continuum 2007)、 Genre Relations: mapping culture(Equinox 2008)、Learning to Write, Reading to Learn(Equinox 2012),Systemic Functional Grammar: A Next Step into the Theory – Axial Relations(高等教育出版社 2013)。另外,由王振华教授主编的《马丁文集》(八卷)已由四海资讯红足出版社于2012年4月出齐。