


1. Huan, C. (2016) Leaders or Readers, Whom to Please? News Values in Chinese Hard News Reporting. Discourse, Context and Media. [Accepted on 13 May, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.dcm.2016.05.005] [SSCI]

2. Huan. C. 2016. (Book Review) Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Applied Linguistics [Accepted on 15 January 2016] [SSCI]

3. Huan, C. 2016. News production and attribution construction in Chinese local press: A progression analysis. In Marcel Burger (Ed.) Book Title to Be Determined. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

4. Huan, C. (2016) Journalistic Engagement Patterns and Power Relations: Corpus Evidence from Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting. Discourse & Communication, 10(2): 137-156. [SSCI]

5. Huan, C. (2015) Negotiating risk in Chinese and Australian print media hard news reporting on food safety: A corpus-based study. In Candlin, C.N. & Crichton, J. (Eds.) Communicating Risk. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

6. Huan, C. (2015) (Book Review) The Linguistics of Newswriting. Discourse and Communication, 9(1): 135-138. [SSCI]

7. Huan, C. & Wu, C. (2015) Appraisal Framework: A Review of its Recent Development. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 4:15-22,42.[当代外语研究]

8. Huan, C. (2014) (Book Review) Stance and Voices in Academic Writing. Discourse and Society, 25(6): 814-816. [SSCI]

9. Huan, C. (2013) (Book Review) News Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, (5): 103-104. [SSCI]

10. Huan, C. (2013) Conference Report: The First Appraisal Symposium. Journal of Contemporary Linguistics, (3). [当代语言学] [CSSCI]



1. Journalistic Engagement Patterns in Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting. 第二届评价系统研讨会,悉尼,2015年2月

2. Building a Comparable Corpus of Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting for Appraisal Analysis: From Inception to Completion. 澳大利亚系统功能语言学会议,悉尼,2014年

3. Stance-taking of Chinese Journalists in Hard News Reporting: A Multiperspectival Approach. 第4届 ALAPP 会议,瑞士日内瓦,2014年9月10-12 号

4. A Corpus-based Study of Journalistic Stance in Chinese and Australian Print Media Hard News. 2014年度BAAL 会议,英国考文垂,2014年9月 4-6 号

5. Journalistic Attitudinal Stance Patterns in Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting: A Multi-perspectival Model Informed Study. 国际语言学会议,澳大利亚布里斯班,2014年8月10-15号

6. News Values in Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting. 国际语言学会议专题讨论组,布里斯班,2014年8月13号

7. Constructing Journalistic Attribution in Chinese Hard-news Reporting. 第5届国际新闻语言会议,英国伦敦,2014年9月

8. Navigating a Path toward Stance: Appraisal, Evaluation, Metadiscourse or Stance? 第1届评价系统研讨会,悉尼,2013年2月20号

9. A Contrastive Analysis of Stance in Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting: A Corpus-based Study. 第2届国际ALAPP 会议,悉尼,2012年


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2. 国家留学基金委攻读博士全额奖学金(2011-2015)45万国家级

3. 麦考瑞大学杰出国际学生博士研究奖学金(2011-2015)60万校级

4. 麦考瑞大学社会科学学院博士研究科研基金 (2014) 3万校级 5. 麦考瑞大学语言学系博士研究科研基金(2013) 6万校级