


(语言科学与系统科学研讨会第122期 )通知




摘要:在外交话语中,隐喻是表达立场和构建概念性框架的常见策略之一。隐喻在形成和传播中有选择地建构意义、框定议程、暗示相关推理过程,对人们认知和思考外交关系有深层次影响。目前静态视觉隐喻及转喻研究多基于概念隐喻理论(CMT)和多模态理论所发展衍生出的框架,主要用语言与图像匹配源域及靶域(如MP1、A1B2、PVM等分类提法)。在对外新闻报道这类外交话语中,索引/主题图片(thumb/theme picture)在多模态语篇结构中具有提纲挈领的功能。以中美贸易关系为例,其新闻索引图表现的视觉隐喻普遍内含转喻,具有较为固定的复合靶域及具有多重意义的合成源域,通过叠加不同类型和维度的隐、转喻势能构建、框定、解读贸易关系等相关概念。仅用已有的多模态分析以及隐、转喻互动框架不容易系统把握这类被用于构建外交话语的视觉隐转喻的特点和功能。针对此,本研究以中国主流对外英文媒体中有关中美贸易关系的报道索引图为对象,基于模态、维度、修辞类型等要素提出视觉隐转喻(集)的多层选择性意义构建模型,分析隐、转喻意义的嵌合与叠加,整合静态和动态/叙事映射。通过分析中美贸易关系相关语料,该研究将探讨如何有效运用视觉隐转喻统领、整合语篇和预设、构建立场。



Multi-layered selective meaning-making in visual metaphtonymies
----the case of China-US trade relations


Abstract: Metaphors are commonly employed in diplomatic discourse to constructively build consciousness and conceptual frameworks. Existing studies of static visual metaphors and metonymies are mostly based on or derived from the frameworks of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) and multimodal analysis, and map verbal and pictorial elements onto source and target domains. Visual metaphors/metaphtonymies are found in a number of thumb/theme pictures of English news reports on China-US trade relations on mainstream Chinese media platforms. Featuring compound target domains and composite source domains in their metaphorical setting, these pictures visually construct concepts such as trade relations by activating and superimposing different meaning-making potentials. To accentuate and systematically analyze the collective features of such visual metaphors and metonymies, this research proposes a multi-layered selective meaning-making model for visual metaphtonymies through analyzing metaphorical and metonymic values and interactions of the thumb pictures of news reports on China-US trade relations. The model accounts for different types of conceptual operations as well as both static and dynamic mappings.

Keywords: visual metaphtonymy; diplomatic discourse; multimodal analysis; meaning-making