


四海资讯红足 马丁适用语言学研究中心系列讲座

9:00-10:00    David Rose教授(悉尼大学)
Analysing Pedagogic Register

10:00-11:00  杨延宁教授(华东师范大学)

14:00-15:00     祝克懿教授(复旦大学)

15:00-16:00  David Rose教授(悉尼大学)
Embedding language skills in academic register teaching

David Rose教授简介:
Dr David Rose is Director of Reading to Learn, an international literacy program that trains teachers across school and university sectors, in Australia, Africa, Asia and Western Europe ( He is an Honorary Associate of the University of Sydney ( His research includes analysis and design of classroom discourse, effective practices for beginning literacy, techniques for embedding reading and writing skills in curriculum learning, professional learning for teachers about pedagogy and language, language typology, language evolution and social semiotic theory. His work has been particularly concerned with Indigenous Australian communities, languages and education programs, with whom he has worked for over 30 years.


杨延宁教授于2007年获新加坡国立大学语言学博士学位,并任教于新加坡南洋理工大学,担任助理教授、博士生导师。2014年至今,任华东师范大学外语学院教授、博士生导师,并获聘上海市 “东方学者” 特聘教授。研究主要集中于系统功能语言学、认知语言学和应用语言学领域。 出版中文专著3部,英文专著2部。发表学术论文20篇,其中 SSCI期刊论文8篇,CSSCI 期刊论文3 篇。参加世界各地的国际学术会议19次,其中5次受邀做大会发言。2012年10月担任新加坡翻译课程委员会委员及新加坡国家考凭局顾问。2013年7月起担任国际学术期刊Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language主编。

Analysing Pedagogic Register
David Rose
This paper reports on recent findings of an ongoing project to develop tools for analysis and design of classroom discourse (Martin & Rose 2007, Rose 2014). A major focus of the research has been on structuring of pedagogic activity. Pedagogic activities are analysed as series of learning tasks that may be prepared, evaluated and elaborated. This analysis has enabled careful design of task preparations and elaborations that can support all students to succeed with learning tasks.
Recent work has expanded the analyses to multilingual classrooms (H. Kartika 2016) and academic literacy (L. Macnaught 2015), focusing attention on pedagogic modalities. This research has led to reconsidering curriculum genres as configurations of a pedagogic register with a curriculum register. A pedagogic register includes pedagogic activities (field), pedagogic modalities (mode) and pedagogic relations (tenor). A curriculum registerincludes the knowledge and values that are exchanged through pedagogic activities, modalities and relations.
Pedagogic discourse of all kinds is analysed as series of choices by teachers and learners. Options for pedagogic activities, pedagogic modalities and pedagogic relations have been described using system networks, and these are re-applied to analysing discourse. This description of system networks for register is a significant innovation in SFL.

Embedding language skills in academic register teaching
David Rose
This paper describes an effective methodology for teaching language skills in the context of teaching an academic curriculum. It applies genre based literacy pedagogy to teaching skills in both reading and writing academic discourse. It has been developed over 2 decades as part of the Reading to Learn teacher education program (Liu 2011, Rose & Martin 2012, Rose 2015, Shum et al 2016).
Strategies will be demonstrated for supporting learners to read academic texts, to read in detail and depth, to appropriate academic language into writing new texts, and to construct coherent texts.






摘要:语法隐喻指语义层与词汇语法层之间的交叉组配关系,其本质是表义需求扩充所促动的形义互动。国内外学者在语言哲学、认知模式、意义发生、文体特征、翻译等领域对语法隐喻做过大量研究。这些研究表明,语法隐喻既作用于共时层面的语义句法调整,又作用于历时层面的语言演化。基于古希腊语、拉丁语和英语的研究证明,语法隐喻在语言演进过程中起着关键作用。构式语法理论强调形式和意义的内在联系,催生了一系列研究成果。但构式研究注重静态描述,对构式的演变过程缺乏分析。有鉴于此,构式研究群体内部开始呼吁重视构式研究的历时取向。语法隐喻理论为汉语构式演化研究提供了可靠的理论框架。同时,语法隐喻理论建构了完备的语义语法分析框架,可以有效地呈现构式演化中的形义互动过程。本研究以语法隐喻理论和汉语历史语料为基础,为构式演化研究探索新的路径。 同时,本研究追寻汉语演进中形义互动的轨迹,辨识形义互动的基本发展方向,并通过大量的实例分析,总结出汉语构式演进的典型模式。