
Beatriz Quiroz博士讲座通知



主讲: Beatriz Quiroz博士(智利天主教大学助理教授;马丁中心访问学者)

题目:Language description: the SFL approach and its relevance

摘要:Over the decades, the focus of SFL descriptive work was mainly on the grammar of English. With English accounts as the starting point, a number of theoretical and descriptive developments emerged that are key to the current shape of SFL architecture. With the shift of focus to the exploration of different languages in the 90s - contributing to what is now known as SFL language typology -, descriptive work has again come to the fore with a number of potentialities and challenges to be addressed. The aim of this talk is to explore such potentialities and challenges, by first locating cross-linguistic work in relation to SFL theory and exploring associated descriptive principles and generalisations. The second part of the talk turns to a general discussion of the relevance of this kind of work to an ‘appliable linguistics’ across languages (thus functioning as an introduction to the following two talks).


Beatriz is Assistant Professor at the Department of Language Sciences in the Faculty of Letters of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC-Chile), where she teaches and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students in Linguistics. She completed her PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia, in 2013. Her current research, informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), focuses on a metafunctionally integrated description of clause systems in Chilean Spanish, with special emphasis on the system-structure principle embodied by the theoretical dimension of axis. Other research interests include the interaction between lexicogrammar and discourse-semantics, and systemic functional language typology. Relevant publications include “Towards a systemic profile of the Spanish mood” (recently reprinted in the multi-volume book Systemic Functional Linguistics, edited by Martin & Doran, 2015, Routledge) and “The verbal group” (to appear in The Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics, edited by Bartlett & O’Grady, Routledge). Further details about her work and academic interests can be found at