




题目:Exploring Interpersonal Metaphor of Modern Chinese: The Appraisal Perspective

摘要:According to Halliday, grammatical metaphor refers to the tension existing between the two strata of language, semantics and lexico-grammar, related both to ideational and interpersonal meanings. Previous studies mainly focus on the ideational part, especially that of English, and fewer on the latter one. Even when there is one, usually it follows the classic framework of Mood and Modality for interpretation. This study is an attempt to examine the instances of interpersonal metaphor in modern Chinese from the perspective of Appraisal, laying stress on those metaphorical devices employed by speakers to engage to what is assessed in the discourse as well as the committing degree. The study first develops a general framework for exploring interpersonal metaphor in Chinese based on the data from the Corpus of Appraisal Meanings. Then, a larger number of data is analyzed to examine the distribution of different types of interpersonal metaphor. The analysis is also concerned with the distribution differences among text types and examines how the use of interpersonal metaphor is influenced by its register/genre.