Wang Zhenhua

PhD., Post-Doc; full professor of School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU); PhD/MA student supervisor, director of foreign languages and literature studies, head of English Department, director of The Post-doctoral Program of Foreign Languages and Literature Studies. And conference chair of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in June, 2013.

Since 1997 when he started his MA studies in Sydney University, he has been dedicated to the research of SFL Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics, the Appraisal Systems, and discourse semantics, esp. courtroom discourse. He has published over 60 papers and 16 books (including some textbooks and 8 volumes of Collected Works of J. R. Martin).

He (2003) set up his model of "3-voices" of Engagement. He (2009) developed a framework of discourse semantics: one paradigm, two strands, three meta-functions, four meta-semantics, and five aspects. Recently (2012) he set up the "model of personalized meaning".

He is the chief investigator of one national-level research project granted by The China National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, and two provincial projects, and collaborated investigator of eleven research projects.

He used to be the dean of research of The Faculty of Foreign Languages Studies, Henan University (2004-2007) before he moved to SJTU. He acted as one of the chiefs of research and technology sponsored by Henan Education Commission.

He is currently Vice-Chair of China Association of Functional Linguistics, Vice-Chair of China Association of Forensic Linguistics, executive member of China Association of Stylistics, research fellow of Forensic Linguistics Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, expertise consultant of Jinboda Law Firm (Shanghai Branch).

He is on the editorial board of Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, Foreign Studies, Studies in Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. He is one of the international advisor of International Journal of The Semiotics of Law (France), and editor of International Journal of Language, Law and Discourse (Hong Kong). His research interests include systemic-functional linguistics, discourse semantics, language and the law, courtroom discourse, language of education, language of evaluation.

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