Liu Xinghua
PhD, lecturer of School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Research interest
Academic literacy ( EAP, ESP, WAC), Corpus linguistics, Cognitive psychology of second language acquisition, Forensic linguistics, Intercultural rhetoric, Systemic functional linguistics, Teaching and learning of second language writing
Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Reading, UK
M.A. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
B.A. English Literature, College of Technology and Engineering, Artillery Academy, China
Work Experience
2012 - present, Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2005 - 2012, Lecturer, School of Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Journal Editorship
Chief Editor (August, 2013 - ), TESOL Journal (by Asian EFL Journal publisher)(
Recent Publications
Liu, X., & Furneaux, C. (in press). A multidimensional comparison of discourse organization in English and Chinese university students' argumentative writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Liu, X. (in press). A Cross-cultural Comparison of English and Chinese Argumentative Writing: An Appraisal Study. To appear in the 38th International Systemic Functional Congress publication, edited by Marta Filipe Alexandre and Carlos A. M. Gouveia.
Liu, X. & Le, T. (2013). Voice and audience in writing: A multidimensional account. In T. Le and Q. Le (eds), Conducting Research in a Changing and Challenging World (pp.187-200). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Liu, X. (2013). Evaluation in Chinese university EFL students' English argumentative writing: An APPRAISAL study. E-FLT, 10(1):40-53.
Liu, X. (2012). Towards an ecological view of contrastive rhetoric research between English and Chinese. The Internet Journal of Language, Culture and Society, 34:33-42
Liu, X. (2011). More than Ba Gu Wen (Eight-legged essay) and Confucianism: A new research agenda for English-Chinese writing studies. Second Language Writing News, 6(2): 2-9.
Liu, X. (2011). Directions in contrastive rhetoric research. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 3:58-65
Liu, X. (2010). An investigation of Chinese university EFL learners' knowledge about writing. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 2: 51-63
Liu, X., & Thompson, P. (2009). Attitude in students' argumentative writing: A contrastive perspective. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 1: 3-15
Conference Presentations
A Contrastive Study of Argument Structures in Chinese University EFL Students' Writing: A SFL Perspective, 40th International Systemic Functional Congress, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University, China, 15th -19th July, 2013
Traditional Chinese rhetoric strategy in contemporary Chinese EFL writing classroom, CELC International Symposium, National University of Singapore, Singapore 27th -29th May, 2013
Contrastive rhetoric research of English and Chinese: Old issues and new perspectives. The 8th International Symposium on EFL Writing Research and Teaching in China. Yantai: Shandong University, China, 12th – 14th October, 2012
APPRAISAL resources in Chinese university EFL students' argumentative writing: A cross-linguistic perspective. 38th International Systemic Functional Congress. University of Lisbon, Portugal, 25th- 29th July, 2011
A cross-linguistic investigation of audience awareness and personal voice in Chinese EFL university students' argumentative writing in Chinese and English: A systemic functional linguistic approach. 4th International Conference on Writing Research: Writing Research across Borders II. University of George Mason, USA., 17th -20th February, 2011
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