Wang Pin
PhD, lecturer of School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Research interests
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Language Typology
2008–2012, PhD, Fudan University
2002–2005, MA, Dalian Maritime University
1998–2002, BA, Dalian Maritime University
Mar 2014 to date, Lecturer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jul 2012–Mar 2014, Lecturer, Tongji University
Jan 2012–Jul 2012, Lecturer, Dalian Maritime University
Aug 2005–Jul 2008, Lecturer, Dalian Neusoft University of Information
Academic visit
2011, Visiting scholar, University of Sydney
Martin, J. R. (2013). (Translated by Wang Pin and Zhu Yongsheng) Systemic Functional Grammar: A Next Step into the Theory. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Wang, P. (2012). A systemic functional interpretation of ergativity in Classical Tibetan. In: Knox, J. (ed.) To Boldly Proceed: Papers from the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, 105-110.
Wang, P. (2011). Complementarity Between Lexis and Grammar in the System of Person: A Systemic Typological Approach. Doctoral dissertation, Fudan University.
Wang, P. (2011). Conjuring tricks for the ears: an analysis of the interpersonal function of magic performer's discourse. Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature (Postgraduates), 33-36.
Wang, P. (2010). Imperative mood realized by circumstantial adjuncts. In: Fang Yan & Wu Canzhong (eds.) Challenges to Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice (Proceedings of the 36th International Systemic Functional Congress), 280-286.
Wang, P. (2010). The idea of complementarity in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Journal of Foreign Languages, 33(2), 20-25.
Conference presentations
Wang, P. (2013). A Systemic Functional Account of the mood system of Classical Tibetan. Paper presented at the 40th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sun Yat-sen University, 15-19 July.
Wang, P. (2012). A Systemic Functional Interpretation of Ergativity in Classical Tibetan. Paper presented at the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, University of Technology, Sydney, 16-20 July.
Wang, P. (2012). A Comparative Study of the Ideational Function Between Xuanzang's Chinese Translation and Conze's English Translation of Heart Sutra. Paper presented at the 13th National Discourse Analysis Conference, Inner Mongolia University, 15-17 June.
Wang, P. (2011). Complementarity Between Lexis and Grammar in the Category of Person. Paper presented at the 12th National Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Nanjing Normal University, 10-12 November.
Wang, P. (2010). On Dialogism in News Headline Writing. Paper presented at the 12th National Discourse Analysis Conference, Tongji University, 12-14 November.
Wang, P. (2009). Imperative Mood Realized by Circumstantial Adjuncts. Paper presented at the 36th International Systemic Functional Congress, Tsinghua University, 14-18 July.
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