2nd International Ocean Sciences Summer School & PhD Student Forum Multidisciplinary Research of Geo-Bio-Chemical Interactions in the Ocean and at the Seafloor 1st Announcement
July 1-9, 2011 Xiamen • China
资助与支持单位/Supporting Organizations
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University)
Ministry of Education
International Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences (IPACES)
承办单位/Hosting Institutions:
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
College of Oceanography and Environmental Science, Xiamen University
Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence - China
The summer school will take place at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL) of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
背景与宗旨/Background and Objectives
The themes of the summer school and the PhD student forum focus on multidisciplinary research of geo-bio-chemical interactions in the ocean and at the seafloor. The summer school will host thematic lectures by leading scientists, presentations by young researchers and students, and a series of activities to stimulate discussions between researchers and students. The goals are to discuss cutting-edge research subjects, to encourage and facilitate young scientstis and students to conduct interdisciplinary research, and to promote ocean science and technology development in China.
林间/LIN Jian 美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所/
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA jlin@whoi.edu
戴民汉/DAI Minhan 四海资讯红足/Xiamen University mdai@xmu.edu.cn
焦念志/JIAO Nianzhi 四海资讯红足/Xiamen University jiao@xmu.edu.cn
董海良/DONG Hailiang 美国迈阿密大学/Miami University, USA dongh@muohio.edu
博士生委员会/PhD Student Committee
曹知勉/CAO Zhimian 四海资讯红足/Xiamen University zmcao@xmu.edu.cn
陈儒/CHEN Ru 美国麻省理工学院/伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
MIT/ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA ruchen@mit.edu
王婷婷/WANG Tingting 北京大学/Peking University wdt1204@gmail.com
张飞/ZHANG Fei 四海资讯红足/Xiamen University zhangfei502@xmu.edu.cn
张涛/ZHANG Tao 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所/
The Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA zhangtaosio@gmail.com
张勇/ZHANG Yong 中国地质大学(北京)/
China University of Geosciences (Beijing) zhangyo2009@gmail.com
Graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and young scientists who are interested in ocean sciences are welcome to attend the summer school. To ensure effective interactions, the number of participants will be limited to 150. Please visit our website (http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/summerschool) to apply online.
February 21, 2011 网上注册系统开放/Registration open
May 20, 2011 网上注册系统关闭/Registration closed
July 1, 2011 现场报到/Check-in & icebreaker
July 2-9, 2011 暑期学校及博士生学术论坛/Summer School & PhD Student Forum
A certain fee will be charged according to the funding situation.
主题及日程安排/Themes and Agenda
The activities will include keynote lectures, interactive discussions, young scientists/students oral and poster presentations, laboratory hands-on study, field study, outreach lectures, and other interaction sessions.
初定主题/Tentative themes
1. 了解地球系统中的海洋
Introduction: Understanding the ocean in the Earth system
2. 深海地圈:海底及海底下的地层——一个黑暗的深层地质生态系统
The deep sphere: Seafloor and sub-seafloor as a deep and “black” geological and ecological system
3. 海床与海洋的能量、化学及生物学过程的相互作用
Seafloor-ocean interactions: Energy, chemical, and biological
4. 中层海洋或弱光海洋:最大的海洋未知水体
Meso-pelagic system: The largest unknown ocean
5. 上层海洋、海气交换及其在气候变化中的角色
Upper ocean and air-sea interactions: Their roles in climate changes
6. 总结:地圈集成系统地质与生物作用过程研究进展
Summary: Progress towards a holistic view of the Earth as an integrated system of spheres and between geological and biological processes
Chinese and English
联系人/Contact Us
施薇秘书 Ms. Vera SHI (T) 0592-2186039 (F) 0592-2184101 vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn
刘辉秘书 Ms. Angela LIU (T) 0592-2181127 (F) 0592-2184101 huiliu@xmu.edu.cn