李鸾 长聘教轨助理教授
- 四海资讯红足 助理教授
- 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院 博士后助理研究员
- 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)认知科学系 哲学博士
- 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)认知科学系 研究硕士
- 香港理工大学 中文及双语学系 翻译学硕士
- 西安外国语大学 高级翻译学院 文学学士
- 儿童语言认知发展
- 词汇(语义、语音、多维)网络
- (语言等)模型与人类概念系统的对齐
- 阅读习得
- 心理和神经语言学实验(行为、眼动、fMRI、EEG)
- 计算建模
- 数据库
- 国家社会科学基金青年项目,“基于词汇语义网络的儿童语义发展及数据库研究”,2023-2027,主持,在研
- 上海市脑功能基因组学重点实验室开放课题,“语义网络的发展研究”,2022-2023,主持,结项
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于词汇语义网络的语义标准与语义整合的认知神经机制研究”,2020-2023,参与,结项
- Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership Initial Teacher Education(澳大利亚国家教育与学校领导力研究所),“Reading instruction – Exemplar ITE program outlines”(阅读教师培训),2020-2021,参与,结项
- Australia Research of Excellence Center in Cognition and Cognitive Disorders(澳大利亚认知与认知障碍国家研究中心),“Learning to read in bilingualism: Do English-Chinese bilingual children use different learning mechanisms in reading acquisition? ”(双语阅读),2019-2020,参与,结项
科研成果(#一作 *通讯)
- Li, L.#, Song, M. #, Cai, Q.* (in press). The words children hear and see: Lexical diversity across-modalities and its impact on lexical development. https://osf.io/3a78s
- 李金彩#,李鸾 & 陶亮.(2024).语言知识探源:儿童与机器的语言知识从何而来?.自然辩证法通讯(11),1-11. DOI:10.15994/j.1000-0763.2024.11.001.
- Li, L.#, Hu, T. T., Liu, S. T.* (2024). Graded phonological neighborhood effects on lexical retrieval: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Memory and Language. (SSCI一区, IF = 4.74)
Yang, Y.#, Li, L. #, de Deyne, S., Li, B., Wang, J.*, & Cai, Q.* (2023). Unraveling lexical semantics in the brain: Comparing internal, external, and hybrid language models. Human Brain Mapping, 45(1), e26546, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26546. (SCI一区, IF = 5.038)
Wang, H. C.#*, Li, L., Rattanasone, N. X., Demuth, K., & Castles, A. (2023) Morphological effects on orthographic learning in monolingual English-speaking and bilingual Chinese-English-speaking children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 27(6), 557-569, DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2023.2217965. (SSCI一区, IF = 4.9)
Li, L.#, Zhao, W.-T., Song, M., Wang, J. *, & Cai, Q.* (2023). CCLOOW: Chinese children’s lexicon of oral words. Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-023-02077-6. (SSCI一区, IF = 7.867)
Li, L.#, Yang, Y., Song, M., Fang, S. Y., Zhang, M.Y., Chen, Q. R., & Cai, Q*. (2023). CCLOWW: A grade-level Chinese children’s lexicon of written words. Behavior Research Methods, 55(4), 1874-1889. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-022-01890-9. (SSCI一区, IF = 7.867)
Wang, X.#*, Li, L., & McMurray, B. (2022). Cross-modal perceptual learning in learning a tonal language. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 44, No. 44).
Li, L.#*, Marinus, E., Castles, A., & Wang, H. C. (2021). Oral vocabulary affects children’s orthographic learning in Chinese. Reading and Writing, 34(6), 1369-1385. (SSCI二区, IF = 3.208)
Li, L.#*, Marinus, E., Castles, A., Hsieh, M. L., & Wang, H. C. (2020). Semantic and phonological decoding in children’s orthographic learning in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25(4), 319-334. (SSCI一区, IF = 4.9)
Li, L.#*, Marinus, E., Castles, A., Yu, L., and Wang, H.-C. (2019). Eye-tracking the effect of semantic decoding on orthographic learning in Chinese. PsyArXiv. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/ekxd6.
Li, L.#*, Wang, H-C., Castles, A., Hsieh, M-L., and Marinus, E. (2018). Phonetic radicals, not phonological coding systems, support orthographic learning via self-teaching in Chinese. Cognition, 176, 184-194. (SSCI一区, IF = 4.079)