
讲座通知|英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院当代文学与思想教授Robert Eaglestone讲座通知


题目:“The little links are broke”: Ethnocentrism and loneliness in contemporary British fiction
主讲人:Robert Eaglestone
地点:会议ID 240 642 113;会议密码918603

    In this talk I will address issues of ethnocentrism and loneliness in contemporary British fiction by looking at three very different novels, Sarah Moss’s Ghost wall (2018), Barney Farmer’s Drunken Baker (2018) and Bernard Cornwell's Warlord (2020) in conjunction with recent work in quantitative political science and the thought of Hannah Arendt.

    Robert Eaglestone is Professor of Contemporary Literature and Thought at Royal Holloway, University of London. He works on contemporary literature and literary theory, contemporary philosophy and on Holocaust and Genocide studies. He is the author of eight books, most recently Literature: Why it matters (2019) (Chinese translation, Beijing 2020) and Truth and Wonder; A literary introduction to Plato and Aristotle (Routledge 2022) and editor or co-editor of ten more. His work has been translated in to six languages. He is the Series Editor of Routledge Critical Thinkers, which has 41 volumes. He has advised the UK government on the teaching of English Literature. He won a National Teaching Fellowship Award in 2014.


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