
讲座通知|上海外国语大学语料库研究院Kyung Hye Kim博士“Sociological approaches to translation studies: museum translation as a case”讲座通知


讲座题目:Sociological approaches to translation studies: museum translation as a case 翻译研究的社会学路径:以博物馆翻译为例
主讲人:Kyung Hye Kim博士
讲座时间:2022年4月1日 下午1:00-2:30 (包括15分钟Q&A)
腾讯会议号:124846630  密码:519266

    Various attempts in translation studies to move beyond a merely comparative analysis of text and language has enabled scholars to engage with an array of theories and approaches in sociology, whereby translators are considered as social agents, acts of translation and interpreting as socio-political practices, and translation products as the outcome of these social interactions and activities. Studies that examine museum translation can also be seen within this context. Understanding a museum as a ‘contact zone’ (Clifford 1997) – a space where dynamic interactions, negotiations, and contestations take place – studies on museum translation investigate the role that museum translation plays in such socio-political interactions and the extent to which translation contributes to international visitors’ engagement with the presented museum narratives. Against this backdrop, this seminar will begin by briefly discussing the shift from linguistic to socio-political approaches to translation, and then proceed to look at several previous studies on museum translation that take a sociological approach, before presenting a current case study on museum translation.


    Kyung Hye Kim is Associate Professor at the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University, China, and Deputy Director and co-founder of SISU Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. She is a member of Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network and an external partner of Global Health at the European University Alliance Circle U. She is also Chair of International Conference Committee of IATIS, the International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies. Her academic interests lie in corpus-based translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and multilingualism in media translation.

    Kyung Hye Kim博士,上海外国语大学语料库研究院副教授,贝克翻译与跨文化研究中心初创成员、副主任,知识研究网络谱系项目成员,欧洲大学联盟圈全球卫生部门外部合作伙伴,国际翻译与跨文化研究协会国际会议委员会主席。研究领域:语料库翻译研究,批评话语分析,媒体翻译中的多语现象。


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