



主讲人:Xuesong(Andy) Gao


Title: Publishing in international journals: The perspectives of editor, reviewer and author

Abstract: In this talk, I share my experiences as a journal editor, manuscript reviewer and author on academic publishing. I shall start with the roles that editors and reviewers play in academic publishing. I then talk about how editors conduct initial screening of submissions, identify and secure reviewers, and make editorial decisions. I shall also talk about how reviewers conduct reviews as well as how authors prepare submissions and interact with reviewers/editors in the process.


Xuesong(Andy) Gao
School of Education, University of New South Wales

Xuesong(Andy) Gao is Professor in language and literacy education at the School of Education, the University of New South Wales, Australia. His research interests include language learner autonomy, language education policy, and language teacher education. He edits International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching for De Gruyter. He is also a principal associate editor for The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, an executive editor for Teaching and Teacher Education, and a section editor for Sage Open (Education Section).


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