
林苡 长聘教轨助理教授










  1. Lin, Y., Li, C., Fan, Q., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., & Ding, H. (2022). Effects of sensory dominance and gender differences on impaired emotion perception in schizophrenic patients. Paper presented at Speech Prosody 2022. (EI indexed)
  2. Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Unisensory and multisensory Stroop effects modulate gender differences in verbal and nonverbal emotion perception. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 64(11), 4439-4457. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  3. Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Gender Differences in Identifying Facial, Prosodic, and Semantic Emotions Show Category- and Channel-Specific Effects Mediated by Encoder's Gender. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 64(8), 2941-2955. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  4. Lin, Y., Fan, X., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Zhang, H., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Communication channel, emotion category and attentional requirement modulate emotional speech perception: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(4), A274. (SCI indexed)
  5. Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Prosody dominates over semantics in emotion word processing: Evidence from cross-channel and cross-modal Stroop effects. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(3), 896-912. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  6. Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Multisensory integration of emotion in schizophrenic patients. Multisensory Research, 33(8), 865-901. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  7. Lin, Y., & Ding, H. (2020). Effects of Communication Channels and Actor’s Gender on Emotion Identification by Native Mandarin Speakers. Paper presented at the Interspeech 2020. (EI indexed)
  8. Lin, Y., & Ding, H. (2019, October 14 - 18, 2019). Multisensory integration of emotions in a face-prosody-semantics Stroop task. Paper presented at the ICMI '19 NeuroManagement and Intelligent Computing Method on Multimodal Interaction, Suzhou, China. (EI indexed)
  9. Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Emotional Prosody Processing in Schizophrenic Patients: A Selective Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(10). 363. (SCI indexed)
  10. Tang, E., Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., & Ding, H. (2022). Recognition of affective prosody in bipolar and depressive conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 313, 126-136. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  11. Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2022) Multichannel Perception of Emotion in Speech, Voice, Facial Expression, and Gesture in Individuals With Autism: A Scoping Review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 65(4), 1435-1449. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
  12. Zhang, M., Xu, S., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Recognition of affective prosody in autism spectrum conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Autism. 26(4), 798-813. (SSCI indexed)
  13. Gao, Y., Ding, H., Birkholz, P., & Lin, Y. (2021). Comparing fundamental frequency of German vowels produced by German native speakers and Mandarin Chinese learners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 1(7). (SCI indexed)
  14. Li, Y., Lin, Y., Ding, H., & Li, C. (2019). Speech databases for mental disorders: A systematic review. General Psychiatry, 32(3), e100022. (ESCI indexed)
  15. Gao, Y., Ding, H., Birkholz, P., Jäckel, R. & Lin. Y. (2019). Perception of German tense and lax vowel contrast by Chinese learners. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 93, 25-32.
  16. Zhang, Y., Ding, H., Zelchenko, P., Cui, X., Lin, Y., Zhan, Y., & Zhang, H. (2018). Prosodic disambiguation by Chinese EFL learners in a cooperative game task. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018. (EI indexed)


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