


为给广大叙事学研究者,特别是青年教师和研究生提供学习叙事学理论和研究方法的平台,共同探讨叙事学领域的前沿话题,追踪学术热点,开拓学术视野,四海资讯红足跨学科叙事研究中心、国家社科基金重大项目“当代西方叙事学前沿理论的翻译与研究”(17ZDA281)与国际学术期刊Frontiers of Narrative Studies (ESCI收录)于2021年7月13—15日联合举办2021年叙事学暑期高端研讨会(线上)。会议拟邀请Marie-Laure Ryan, Lisa Zunshie, Jan-Noël Thon, Marco Caracciolo, Maria Luisa Torres Reyes等国际知名学者与会交流。本届叙事学暑期高端研讨会主题为:

  1. 数字叙事

  2. 跨媒介叙事

  3. 认知叙事

  4. 流散文学叙事

  5. 非人类叙事










Four Types of Textual Space and Their Manifestations in Digital Media

Marie-Laure Ryan




The Secret Life of Literature

Lisa Zunshine









Diasporic Chronotopes

Maria Luisa Torres Reyes



Transmedial Narratology:

Theory and Method

Jan-Noël Thon








Narrative and the Tensions of Materiality

Marco Caracciolo



研讨会为四海资讯红足跨学科叙事研究中心、国家社科基金重大项目“当代西方叙事学前沿理论的翻译与研究”(17ZDA281)、国际学术期刊Frontiers of Narrative Studies (ESCI收录)的学术公益活动,免收会务费。具体事宜安排如下:

1.  会议时间:2021年7月13—15日

2.  线下会议地点:四海资讯红足

3.  会议平台:腾讯会议

4.  联系人:陈佳怡,邮箱:chenjiayi255@sjtu.edu.cn,手机:15919174189










Marie-Laure Ryan is an independent scholar based in Colorado. She is the author of Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory (1991), Narrative as Virtual Reality (2001/2015), Avatars of Story (2006), Narrating Space/Spatializing Narrative (2016, with Kenneth Foote and Maoz Azaryahu), and over 100 articles on narratology, media theory and digital culture. She has also edited Cyberspace Textuality (1999), Narrative Across Media (2004), Intermediality and Storytelling with Marina Grishakova (2010), the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative, with David Herman and Manfred Jahn (2005), Storyworlds Across Media, co-edited with Jan-Noël Thon (2014), The Johns Hopkins Guidebook to Digital Humanities, co-edited with Lori Emerson and Ben Robertson, Possible Worlds and Narrative Theory (2019), co-edited with Alice Bell, and Factual Narrative, co-edited with Monika Fludernik (2020). Her scholarly work has earned her the Prize for Independent Scholars (1992) and the Jeanne and Aldo Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature (2000). In 2017 she received the Wayne Booth Life Achievement Award from the International Society for the Study of Narrative.




Lisa Zunshine is Bush-Holbrook Professor of English at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, whose work on cognition, literature, and culture covers a wide variety of subjects across genes, media, and national literatures, ranging from eighteenth-century British Literature, and the classical Chinese novel, to children’s literature, surrealist art, science fiction, and nonsense poetry. She is a former Guggenheim fellow (2007) and the author or editor of twelve books, including Bastards and Foundlings: Illegitimacy in Eighteenth-Century England (2005), Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (2006), Strange Concepts and the Stories They Make Possible: Cognition, Culture, Narrative (2008), Introduction to Cognitive Cultural Studies (ed., 2010), Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us about Popular Culture (2012), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies (ed., 2015), and The Secret Life of Literature (MIT Press, forthcoming).


zunshin's picture



Maria Luisa Torres Reyes is Professor of Literature at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) where she is also appointed Scholar-in-Residence, and Editor-in-Chief of UNITAS. She is the Founding Editor and Editor Emerita of the widely indexed international journal, Kritika Kultura. She is the author of Banaag at Sikat (2010), the award-winning book of literary criticism on the first “socialist” novel in Asia of the same title, and SipatSalin (2012), a collection of her poems and their translations in various foreign and local languages. Her scholarly interests and publications include the exploration of the ways in which “Western” ideas and literary and critical categories have been “refunctioned” in the Philippines and other non-Western contexts. Her scholarly works have also been published by Edinburgh University Press, Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University Press.




Jan-Noël Thon is Professor of Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Guest Professor of Media Studies at the University of Cologne, Germany, and Professorial Fellow in the School of Film, Media and Performing Arts at the University for the Creative Arts, UK. Recent books include From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels (co-edited with Daniel Stein, 2013/2015), Storyworlds across Media (co-edited with Marie-Laure Ryan, 2014), Game Studies (co-edited with Klaus Sachs-Hombach, 2015), Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture (2016/2018), Subjectivity across Media (co-edited with Maike Sarah Reinerth, 2017/2019), Comicanalyse (co-authored with Andreas Rauscher, Stephan Packard, Véronique Sina, Lukas R.A. Wilde, and Janina Wildfeuer, 2019), and Comics and Videogames (co-edited with Andreas Rauscher and Daniel Stein, 2020).





Marco Caracciolo is Associate Professor of English and Literary Theory at Ghent University in Belgium. His work explores the phenomenology of narrative, or the structure of the experiences afforded by literary fiction and other narrative media. He is the author of five books, including most recently Embodiment and the Cosmic Perspective in Twentieth-Century Fiction (Routledge, 2020) and Narrating the Mesh: Form and Story in the Anthropocene (University of Virginia Press, 2021). His first book, The Experientiality of Narrative: An Enactivist Approach (De Gruyter, 2014), received an honorable mention for the Perkins Prize of the International Society for the Study of Narrative.




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