邹理 长聘教轨副教授
四海资讯红足长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师。英国爱丁堡大学比较文学博士,四海资讯红足外国语言文学博士后,兼任国际期刊Culture as Text (De Guyter) Responsible Editor。主持国家社科基金中华外译项目、上海市哲社青年项目、中国文联委托项目、中国博士后基金等项目5项,在European Review, Journal of Modern Literature, Comparative Literature Studies, Minnesota Review, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, Kritika Kultura, Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature、《外国文学研究》、《中国比较文学》、《中国文艺评论》、《文艺理论前沿》和《外语教学》等国际国内SSCI/A&HCI/CSSCI期刊及其一般刊物发表或接受论文30余篇。曾为中国国有资本局-苏格兰经贸会议和中国国有资本局-苏格兰证券与投资会议等各类国际会议担任大会英语口译。
主讲课程:比较文学研究前沿(研究生) 当代西方文论(研究生)欧美文化精要(本科生)翻译与世界文学(本科生)英语视听说(本科生)
国家社科基金中华外译项目:“中国艺术设计史” (22WYSB014);
国家社科基金重大招标项目“美国文学中的文化共同体思想研究” (21&ZD281);
Essentials of Chinese Literature and Art Criticism (vol. 1). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Zou L. 2025. "China 'Problem' of World Literature: Shifting Paradigms," The Minnesota Review: A Journal of Creative and Critical Writing,
forthcoming. (A&HCI)
Zou L. 2025. "Narrative of Human Body in Han Suyin's Destination Chungking and Sino-US Solidarity during WWII." ANQ, forthcoming.
(A&HCI) Zou L. 2024. "Non-human Narrative as World Literature," Kritika Kultura, forthcoming. (A&HCI) Zou L. & Rosenmeier, C. 2024, "Anglophone Narratives of China's World War II and Historical Lessons for BuildingInternational Solidarity,"
Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, no.1: 147-166. (A&HCI)
Zou L. and Hand, S.. 2023. “Literary and Critical Encounters with the Anthropocene: An Interview with SeánHand.” Frontiers of Narrative
Studies 9, no. 1: 1–13. (ESCI)
Zou L. 2023. "New World System and New World Literature Framework: Wang Ning and David Damrosch's World Literature Studies,"
Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature 7, no. 1: 67-80.(A&HCI)
Zou L. & Zhou Q. 2022. "Quarantine and the Transformation of Power Dynamics during China’s War of Resistance against Japan," ANQ, August: 1-8.
Zou L. 2022. "Wang Ning and China’s Perspective on World Literature: An Introduction." Interdisciplinary Studiesof Literature 6. no.2: 191-198.
Zou L. 2021. “Toward a New Narrative about China’s Anti-Japanese War: Reading Bodily Anxiety in Ba Jin’s Cold Nights,” Journal of Modern
Literature, no. 2: 93-105; (A&HCI)
Zou L. 2021. “Fostering Solidarity and Encouraging Shared Commitment: Chongqing Daily’s Narrative about the Frontline Workers and Its Role in
Containing the COVID-19,” European Review, no.6: 794-804; online early(SSCI)
Zou L. 2020. “Technology and the Transformation of Socioeconomic Forms in Chinese Science Fiction,” Comparative Literature Studies, no. 4: 611-
625; (A&HCI)
Zhou Q. & Zou L. 2020. “Warning Objects: A Psychogeographical Reading of the Early American Landscape in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy,” ANQ,
December: 1-9. Online at doi.org/10.1080/0895769X.2020.1833700; (A&HCI)
邹理. "言说、差异的重构与世界人文批评中的中国声音—评《后现代主义之后》." 《中国图书评论》,接受,待刊。(CSSCI扩展版)
邹理. 2024. "国别文学研究的跨文化与跨学科视野—评《麦克尤恩的小说创作及其伦理价值研究》." 《中国比较文学》,第4期。(CSSCI)
邹理. 2024. "人造人叙事与中国经验的世界化." 《河南大学学报(社科版)》,第6期。(CSSCI)
邹理. 2024. "文学的世界性能动与经典马克思主义视域中文学的世界性." 《中国文艺评论》,第8期。(CSSCI)
邹理. 2023. "反体系运动与新世纪美国世界文学思潮中的文化共同体构建." 《外国文学研究》 ,第5期; (CSSCI)
邹理. 2021. “神话”、“史诗”、“诗律”等10个词条,《中国大百科全书》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社;
邹理. 2021. “跨 文化和世界文学语境下书写文学批评史的有益尝试:评王宁著《当代中国外国文学批评史》”,《外语教学》,第3期;(CSSCI)
邹理. 2020. “伤病生产、中国抗战时期的医疗卫生管理与世界战时叙事:以巴金的《寒夜》与《第四病室》为例”,《中国比较文学》,第4期;(CSSCI)
邹理. 2020. “从本土到世界:巴金与世界文学”,《文学理论研究前沿》,第 22 辑;(CSSCI)
邹理&刘立辉. 2012. “不能承受之重:《圣经.旧约》中的女性身体焦虑”, 《外语教学》,第2期;(CSSCI)
"Bio-economy and the Imagination of China in Lin Yutang’s A Leaf in the Storm," The XXII Congress of International Comparative Literature Association, University of Macau, 2018/07. “Pathological Body and the Representation of Anti-Japanese War in Lin Taiyi’s The Golden Coin,” Asian Dynamic Initiative Conference, University of Copenhagen, 2018/06. “Chinese Writers in America, 1937–1945,” Journal of Culture, Literature & Text Conference, University of Nottingham, 2018/05. “Chinese Body in American Imagination, 1937–1945,” Work in Progress Seminar at School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh, 2018/04. “Female Body in Motion,”, Mobility, Literature and Culture Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 2017/04.
- 中国国有资本局-苏格兰经贸会议,格拉斯哥, 2017/11;
- 中国国有资本局-苏格兰证券与投资会议,爱丁堡,2017/11;
- 当代作家徐则臣爱丁堡大学中国文化讲座,爱丁堡,2016/09;