
黄爱军 长聘教轨副教授





2020年7月-现在       四海资讯红足英文系(全职)

2018年8月-2019年8月    荷兰乌特勒支大学语言学研究中心访学

2013年6月-2020年6月    苏州大学四海资讯红足英文系教师(全职)

2008年10月-2013年5月   澳大利亚麦考瑞大学认知科学研究所研究助理(兼职)

2007年8月-2008年10月   香港中文大学语言学系儿童语言研究所研究助理(全职)

2003年6月-2005年7月    湖南大学四海资讯红足认知科学研究所(全职)



2013年9月                               澳大利亚麦考瑞大学认知科学(语言学)博士

2009年9月                               香港中文大学语言学研究硕士(MPhil)

2003年6月                               湖南师范大学英语语言文学硕士学位、研究生学历

1998年6月                              长沙铁道学院(现为中南大学)英语本科毕业





儿童语言习得  二语习得 语义与语用研究   



Huang, Aijun & Thomas Hun-tak Lee (2009). Quantification and individuation in the acquisition of Chinese classifiers. Proceedings of the 10th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics(TCP


Huang, Aijun (2013). Insignificance is significant: interpretation of the wh-pronoun shenme ‘what’ in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics (SSCI), 14.1:1-45.


Huang, Aijun (2014). Acquisition of polarity-sensitive items in Mandarin Chinese . Language Acquisition (SSCI), 21:212-214.


Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Acquisition of polarity sensitive item renhe ‘any’ in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Child Language (SSCI), 41: 861-889.


Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Polarity sensitive items in child Mandarin. Language Acquisition (SSCI), 21: 156–181.


Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Acquisition of the numerical wh-pronoun ji ‘how many’ in Mandarin Chinese. Lingua (SSCI/A&HCI), 145: 122-140.


Huang Aijun (2015) Linguistic form and function: expression of countability in Chinese wh-phrases. Language and Semiotic Studies, 1(4), 34-51).


Huang, Aijun & Francesco-Alessio Ursini (2017). The acquisition of the wh-pronoun duo-shao in child Mandarin. In Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain, John Benjamins Publishing Company


Mineharu Nakayama, Yi-ching Su, and Aijun Huang (2017.) Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain, John Benjamins Publishing Company (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders series)


Ursini, Francesco-Alessio & Aijun Huang (2019). Sense. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.


Ursini, Francesco-Alessio &   Aijun Huang   (2019). Reference. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.


Ursini, Francesco-Alessio &   Aijun Huang   (2019). Deixis. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.


Aijun, Huang (2019). Countability in Mandarin Chinese: Bridging theory and experiments. Language and Semiotic Studies, 5(3),78-110.


Ursini, Francesco-Alessio &   Aijun Huang   (2021). The anaphoric properties of spatial nouns and prepositions in Mandarin: A formal account. Lingua. (SSCI Corresponding Author)


Aijun Huang, Francesco-Alessio Ursini & Luisa Meroni (2021). Portioning-out and individuation in Mandarin non-interrogative wh-pronominal phrases: Experimental evidence from child Mandarin. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences (SSCI/A&HCI).


Aijun Huang, Jingjing Li, Luisa Meroni (2022). Grammatical and contextual factors in the interpretation and acquisitioni of superordinate collectives in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistics. 60(4), 933-972.


Aijun Huang, Xiaomei Zhang, Stephen Crain (accepted). The interpretation of animate nouns in chil and adult Mandarin:from the Universal Grinder to syntactic structure. Linguistcs.



2018年国家社科一般项目 “汉语儿童中的量词语义研究”(18BYY176)  

2015年度教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目 汉语疑问代词的语法性质及其儿童习得研究 (15YJC740031)  

中国博士后第8批科学基金特别资助 “汉语疑问代词的理论建构与儿童语言习得研究(2015T80574)      

江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目 汉语疑问代词语义语用性质的儿童语言研究(2014SJB519)  

56批中国博士后科学基金面上资助 “儿童语言习得视角下的汉语疑问代词系统研究(2014M561702)         



2003.  A study of Chinese Donkey sentences 湖南师范大学硕士论文



2009.  Count-mass Distinction and the Acquisition of Classifiers in Mandarin-speaking Children.香港中文大学硕士论文, 该论文获得2009年香港语言协会最佳硕士论文称号the LSHK Outstanding MPhil Thesis Award

导师: 李行德教授


2013   Acquisition of Polarity Sensitive Expressions in Mandarin Chinese. 澳大利亚麦考瑞博士毕业论文,该论文获得2013年麦考瑞大学校长学术卓越奖(the Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Academic Excellence .

导师: Stephen Crain教授, Rosalind Thornton教授


2016年     苏州大学“周氏教育科研奖”优秀奖



黄爱军(2019). 汉语集合名词可数性的儿童语言习得.广州外语外贸大学英文学院,2019126

黄爱军(2019). 语言获得对语言分析的启示:以汉语非疑问代词可数性问题的儿童语言习得为例. 南京大学四海资讯红足,20191116

黄爱军(2019). 汉语有生命名词可数性的哲学思考和实证研究. 上海外国语大学语言研究院, 20191025.

黄爱军(2019). 有生命名词可数性的哲学思考和实证研究. 复旦大学外文学院, 20191018.

Huang, Aijun (2019). The Universal Grinder is universal: An empirical study of animate nouns in Mandarin Chinese. 德国柏林Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)研究中心, 2019118.

Huang, Aijun (2019). Superordinate collectives in Mandarin Chinese: Grammatical and contextual factors. 荷兰乌特勒支大学语言学研究中心, 2019418

Huang, Aijun (2018). Countability of collective nouns in child Mandarin. 香港中文大学语言学系2018123.

Huang, Aijun (2016). L1 and L2 acquisition of Mandarin Chinese: a case study.解放军四海资讯红足昆山校区, 201612.

Huang, Aijun (2013). First language acquisition of Mandarin Chinese: theoretical issues and experimental methods.湘潭大学四海资讯红足20131025.

Huang, Aijun (2011). Acquisition of polarity items in Mandarin Chinese. 天津师范大学四海资讯红足201111.

Lee, Thomas Hun-tak & Aijun Huang (2008). The Count-mass distinction in Mandarin Chinese and acquisition of Chinese classifiers. 北京语言文化大学.

Lee, Thomas Hun-tak Lee & Aijun Huang (2008). The Count-Mass Distinction in Chinese and the Acquisition of Classifiers 日本Nanzan University

Lee, Thomas Hun-tak, Aijun Huang & Zeng Tao (2005). Intentionality and Reference in the Development of Early Words. 日本Nanzan University



Lingua , Linguistics, First Language, Glossa, Frontiers in Psychology, 当代语言学


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