题 目:Moving from Formal to Functional Descriptions
演讲者:Geoff Thompson
时 间:7月9日上午9:30
地 点:外语楼208室
Geoff Thompson简介
Geoff Thompson is an Honorary Senior Fellow in the School of English at the University of Liverpool. He is also Guest Professor at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou and at University of Science and Technology Beijing. Before his retirement, he was Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Liverpool, and Director of the MAs in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. He is one of the Editors of the journal Functions of Language. His main research interests centre round the analysis of a variety of grammatical features in discourse. Recent and forthcoming publications include Introducing Functional Grammar (Routledge, 3rdedition 2013), Evaluation in text (OUP, 2000, co-edited with Susan Hunston), System and corpus: Exploring connections (Equinox, 2006, also co-edited with Susan Hunston), and articles on topics such as Theme, transitivity, interpersonal systems in interaction, grammatical metaphor, conjunction in text, and evaluation.