
Annie Brisset教授学术讲座通知


Annie Brisset教授学术讲座通知



讲座题目:Translation and Cultural Diversity: An Overview of World Translation Flows and Practices(翻译与文化多样性:世界翻译流通与实践回顾)

时间:2014年5月28日 (周三) 下午2:00-3:30 


Since the 1990s, translation has undergone an unprecedented growth due to the acceleration of technology and the subsequent fusion of communications and the economy. What is the status of translation and interpreting in today’s globalized economy? A study of translation flows and practices conducted for the UNESCO World Report on Cultural Diversity will help us assess the situation and determine whether translation is really serving cultural diversity and, if not, what policies could be considered so that it may better serve its paradoxical functions of preserving the diversity of languages while removing the barriers between them.



讲座题目:Culture in Translation Criticism: A Western Perspective
时间:2014年5月29日 (周四) 下午2:00-3:30 


In the decade 1950-1960, when the study of translation was starting to form into an independent discipline, there was a strong ethnocultural dimension, but this concerned language and the issue of translatability. In the wake of decolonization, the “cultural turn” modified the outlook on translation, raising the awareness of the context of translation and of the subjects it involves. A new emphasis was attached to the asymmetrical weight of languages and cultures, of power-based relationships. Globalization and the increase in translation flows further expanded translation studies’ field of investigation. Sociology took over from the postcolonial perspective, focusing on either agency (Bourdieu) or communication systems (Luhmann). Against a background of conflict (racial, religious, political) and following the 9/11 attack, translation studies further opened up to interculturality. Today, migration flows and the diversified ethnic landscape of cosmopolitan cities result in a diversity of translation practices, many of which do not fit within current definitions and therefore call for new theorizations. The internationalization of translation is at the heart of these new questions, which call for elaborate reflections based upon cultures and traditions outside the Western sphere.


从20世纪50年代开始, 翻译在西方逐渐成为独立学科,当时关注的重点是语言与可译性。在去殖民化时代,翻译研究中的“文化转向”改变了对翻译的认识,提高了翻译中的语境与所涉及主体的重要性,强调语言文化之间的非对称关系以及翻译背后的权力关系。全球化及翻译流通的加快进一步扩大了翻译研究领域,社会学视角取代了后殖民主义。在种族、宗教与政治冲突频发的当代世界,翻译研究日益彰显文化多样性,但西方翻译理论框架及视角难以囊括林林总总的翻译现象,因而很有必要仔细审视非西方文化与传统中的翻译现象及问题。


Annie Brisset is Professor Emeritus of Translation Studies at the School of Translation and Interpretation, the University of Ottawa, Canada. Author of A Sociocritique of Translation (Ann Saddlemyer Prize) she has published many articles on translation theory and criticism.  Founder member and past president of IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies), she is also a consultant to UNESCO on translation-related projects and a member of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of the Arts and Humanities) since 2009. Prior to her appointment as Director of the School of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ottawa in 1989, she worked as translator, interpreter and coordinator at the Canadian Government Translation Bureau. She has been serving a number of international journals (Meta, TTR, the Translator, Translation Studies) and scholary monograph series (New Trends in Translation Studies) in an advisory or editorial capacity.




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