A Workshop on Brian McHale’s Postmodernist Poetics

发布时间:2013-11-04   阅读次数:-




A Workshop on Brian McHale’s Postmodernist Poetics

Place: Room 208, Yang Yongman Hall

Time: 13: 30, Nov. 5 (Tuesday), 2013



13:30-14:30 Brian McHale
Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor, The Ohio State University
Periodizing Postmodernism

14:45-15:00 Chen Houliang

Postdoctoral Fellow of Literature, Central China Normal University

Constructing Postmodern Literary Theories with Incredulity to Metanarrative

15:00-15:15 Lin Yuzhen
Lecturer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Heterotopias and Utopia: On the Experiments of “Global” Postmodernism

15:15-15:30 Shang Biwu
Distinguished Research Fellow of English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The Interface of Postmodernist Poetics and Narratology



: Brian McHale教授简介


An Arts and Humanities Distinguished professor of English at Ohio State University, Brian McHale is a Rhodes Scholar (Rhode Island 1972), D Phil from Merton College, Oxford, and BA from Brown University. He has taught at Tel Aviv University, West Virginia University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Freiburg (Germany), the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, among other institutions. He was for many years associate editor, and later co-editor, of the journal Poetics Today (A&HCI).  He is co-founder and director of Project Narrative at Ohio State, and co-founder and past president of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (A.S.A.P.). He is the author of Postmodernist Fiction (1987), Constructing Postmodernism (1992), and The Obligation toward the Difficult Whole (2004), as well as articles on free indirect discourse, mise en abyme, narrativity, modernist and postmodernist poetics, narrative poetry and science fiction. He co-edited, with Randall Stevenson, The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Literatures in English (2006); with David Herman and James Phelan, Teaching Narrative Theory (2010); with Luc Herman and Inger Dalsgaard, The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon (2012); and with Joe Bray and Alison Gibbon, The Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature (2012).






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