
发布时间:2013-09-17   阅读次数:-

题目:Language Variation and Education

演讲人:Dr. Ahmar Mahboob( 悉尼大学语言学系研究生项目主任)

时间:9月22日9: 00 ----11: 00



Dr. Ahmar Mahboob’ s CV

Master of Education in Higher Education, with Merit

University of Sydney, Australia




Mahboob, A., Dreyfus, S., Humphrey, S. & Martin, J. R. (under contract for 2014). Genre pedagogy in Higher Education: The SLATE Project. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Mahboob, A. & Li, E. (2012). English Today: Form, functions, and uses. Hong Kong: Pearson.


Mahboob, A. (2003). The Future of English in Pakistan. Islamabad: Strengthening Participatory Organization. [This monograph was translated into Urdu in 2004 for wider dissemination.]


Recent Journal Articles

Mahboob, A. & Cruz, P. (under review). English and mother tongue based multilingual education: A focus on the Philippines.


Mahboob, A. & Elyas, T. (under review). English in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Mahboob, A. (in press for 2013). Meeting the challenges of English medium higher education in Hong Kong. International Review of Applied Linguistics.


Mahboob, A. & Tilakaratna, N. (in press for 2013). Appraisal in the time of conflict: Coding evaluation through textual and contextual analysis. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 8.1.


Mahboob, A. & Golden, R. (in press). Looking for native speakers of English: Discrimination in English Language Teaching Job Advertisements. Voices in Asia Journal.


Mahboob, A. & Dutcher, L. (2013). Towards a Dynamic Approach to Language Proficiency. Asian English Studies, Vol. 15, 5-21.


Mahboob, A., Chan, Angela, & Webster, J. (2013). Evaluating the SLATE Project. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 7.


Mahboob, A. & Devrim, D. (2013). Supporting independent construction online: The role of feedback and revisions in the SLATE project. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 7.


Mahboob, A. (2011). English: The industry. Journal of Post-Colonial Cultures and Societies, Vol 2.4.


Mahboob, A. & Knight, N. (2011). Guest editors of the special issue featuring papers presented at the Free Linguistics Conference 2010. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 5.2.


Mahboob, A. & Yilmaz, D. (2011). Providing effective feedback in an online environment. SPELT Quarterly, Vol 26.2.


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