
发布时间:2013-06-21   阅读次数:-



Dr. Marcus Johnson
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, USA
Date: July 2nd, 2013
Time: 1:30pm-3:00 pm
Using eye tracking methodology to study the cognitive processes involved in reading
The use of eye tracking methodology has given us much insight into the cognitive processes involved in reading and language comprehension.  Recent developments have greatly improved the ease of designing and building studies that involve monitoring eye position during the reading of texts.  Moreover, eye tracking methodology provides us with the ability to change the content of text online in real-time based on current eye position (i.e., via gaze contingent manipulations), opening the door for experimental manipulations that would otherwise not be possible.  Additionally, great strides have been made in facilitating the analysis of eye tracking data in recent years.  The discussion will cover some of the practical techniques involved in building reading-based eye tracking studies and in analyzing the data from these studies.  The discussion will also briefly cover some examples of how eye tracking methodology has shed light on some of the particular cognitive processes involved in reading.
Dr. Marcus Johnson received his MS and Ph.D. in Psychology (Cognitive) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA in 2006 and 2008, respectively. He applies eye-tracking techniques to the psycholinguistic study of sentence comprehension in English and Chinese. He has developed a set of data analysis tools for eye tracking research that can be widely applied to social science research beyond language domains. He is currently working as a Director for Research Support for SR Research, Ltd. During his service at SR Research Ltd. he has continuously developed advanced data analysis tools for eye-tracking research, worked on integrating definitions of reading measures, provided training for psycholinguistic labs worldwide and helped the setups of labs in the integrative interface between eye-tracking and brain scanning (MRI, MEG, EEG) paradigms.




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