
发布时间:2013-05-02   阅读次数:-



讲座题目:Interface & Entity——Building Your Own Course of College English

主讲人: 梁正溜 教授

时    间:  2013年5月14日(周二)13:30-15:00

地    点:  外语楼208室

联系人: 马玉蕾







研究方向: 心理语言学、TESOL教学法、 教材编写。


学术成果:发表学术论文多篇,其中5篇发表在核心期刊上; 撰写专著一本; 独立编写和主编(包括主编之一)教材10多部。2007年获上海高校优秀教材一等奖










 The challenge of what to teach and how to teach has become tougher to the teacher of college English more than ever before. How can the current challenge be met? Proper course construction is crucial. It has to be well-targeted so that full use can be made of the limited credits of college English. The speaker argues that the exploration of the potential lies in the pursuit of an original and meaningful interface between the target language and the knowledge of the world, where a particular course of college English is to be constructed as an entity, one that has its own academic theme relevant to the target college students. It is painful to explore such an interface, for it requires a novel and unique combination to shape a particular interface. In reality, such interface-based English course can better address the needs of college students.







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